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Access to Capital

Downtown Erie Park Row Drone Photo

Grow Your Business

ECRDA operates and manages various business loan programs to allow for maximum low-interest financing for your project.

We offer a variety of financing options for commercial real estate, business development and redevelopment. Our products provide gap financing that work in conjunction with private equity and private debt to help your business grow and prosper. No matter what your business needs, we are here to help.

Capital Options

Business Loan Fund

ECRDA operates a $25M+ loan program for business development in Erie County, with financing up to $1 million for manufacturing, industrial, commercial and service businesses.

Funding can be used for land and building acquisition, construction and renovation, and machinery and equipment purchase and refurbishing.

PIDA Loans (Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority)

PIDA distributes loans to the ECRDA which then lends funds to local companies for projects. The purpose of PIDA is to stimulate the construction of industrial building and/or development projects to increase employment in Pennsylvania with the focus on job creation or job retention. PIDA provides long-term, low-interest second mortgage financing for new construction, acquisition or expansion.

USDA Loan Program

Much like PIDA loans, the USDA loan program utilizes low-interest financing for businesses located in certain rural areas. USDA makes funds available through ECRDA for business development.

Municipality Loans

ECRDA offers financing to local municipalities located within Erie County. We offer affordable financing that can be used for infrastructure expansion or improvement, real estate purchase or renovation, and equipment or vehicles.

Diverse Erie Small Business Loan Program

Supports the equitable growth of BIPOC-owned businesses through access to capital and support services. Loans up to $250,000 are available for qualifying applicants.

Micro-Enterprise Loan Program

Designed to help start-up and young businesses with micro loans up to $35,000.

Tax Credits, Grants and Technical Assistance

ECRDA, in partnership with local, state and federal officials, will work to ensure your project is eligible for the maximum financial incentives necessary to deliver your project on time and within budget. For entrepreneurs and young small businesses, we provide access to resources and support services to help you build a strong, healthy and successful enterprise.

For more information about any of our Capital options, please contact:

Leah Manino

Vice President of Finance and Lending

Email Leah

(814) 480-0337 Ext. 103

Ethan Bennett

Loan Officer

Email Ethan

(814) 480-0337 Ext. 106