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Access to Grants

St AR Tup Grant Photo

Grant Opportunities

Working alongside local, state, national and private entities, the Erie County Redevelopment Authority (ECRDA) provides access to many grant opportunities and services to help your business succeed. For questions, email

ECRDA Grant Opportunities

RISE PA Grant: Reducing Industrial Sector Emissions in Pennsylvania

AMOUNT — Varies by business size, maximum award is $110M
DEADLINE — August 29, 2025

The Department of Environmental Protection is now accepting applications for small, medium and large-scale industries for Reducing Industrial Sector Emissions. RISE PA is a $396M statewide industrial decarbonization grant funded through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. More information can be found in this fact sheet or on the department's website.

Small Business Advantage Grant

AMOUNT — Varies from up to $5,000 to $8,000
Application open in August 2024

Provides reimbursement grants ranging from 50% to 80% of eligible project costs to Pennsylvania small businesses. Funds are awarded to projects focused on improving energy efficiency or reducing pollution or waste, either by upgrading or replacing equipment or supplies, reducing runoff into affected waterways, or other process improvement initiatives.

Award amounts vary based on the environmental impact of the project and whether the project location is in an Environmental Justice Area in Pennsylvania.

Small Business Advantage Grant Information

Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP)

The Commonwealth of PA offers this capital grant annually to support significant capital projects that include the acquisition and construction of regional economic, cultural, civic, recreational and historical improvement projects. RACP grants are very competitive and require the coordination and support of an authorized budget line item and body.  We encourage you to contact us for more information on the application process and post-award management.

Learn More About the RACP Grant

For more information or questions about grants, please contact:

Ti Sumner

Vice President of Grants & Brownfield Specialist

Email Ti

(814) 480-0337 Ext. 202

Belal Jonaid

Grant Administrator

Email Belal

(814) 480-0337 Ext. 107